What to Look for in a Great Employment Agency

When our clients come to our employment agency to fill positions within their companies, they are understandably selective. After all, placing the wrong person into the wrong position is a losing situation for all parties involved. The candidate wastes time and money...

5 Ways to Make Yourself Irreplaceable at Work

The worst situation an employee can find herself in is when her employer believes that she is easily replaceable. This belief puts employees in a precarious situation especially in down employment markets. And even though the employment rate remains high in many parts...

5 Tips for Coping with Pre-interview Anxiety

You’ve researched the company that will be conducting your interview. You’ve gone over the questions the interviewer may ask you in your head and still you are a nervous wreck. Pre-interview anxiety can get the best of even people who has been in the job market for...

6 Ways Contract/Temp Workers can Help Your Business

According to the American Staffing Association, more than 3 million temporary and contract workers work for staffing companies in America during an average week. This means that contract workers are a significant part of the work force and that their influence should...

5 Things to Do in Your First Week at a New Job

However many jobs you’ve had in the past, we wager that you are like most people who start a new job – a nervous wreck. There are new faces and names to learn, new systems and departments to navigate and new jargon to master. It can all seem a bit overwhelming. To...