by Alist | Oct 7, 2016 | Career Advice
We’ve all been there. We’ve all prepared for an important job interview and then had that preparation put to the test by that one question or series of questions that seemed impossible to answer. Moreover, at those moments we’ve all felt the pressure of trying not to...
by Alist | Sep 13, 2016 | Career Advice
Landing the perfect job starts with submitting the perfect resume free of errors, omissions and irrelevant information. These errors, in total, cost prospective job hunters choice positions every year. The worst part about it is that many applicants never find out...
by Alist | Jan 5, 2016 | Career Advice
There is an old saying that goes “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” This is certainly the case with resumes—and as a top executive assistant staffing firm in New York, we know resumes. They are a one shot opportunity for candidates to make...