As the world begins to return to in person interactions, interviews will once again be in person; especially the closer you get to securing the position. In addition to dressing professionally and sporting a positive attitude, here are 5 essential items to bring with you on your next interview.
A Folder- A simple clean folder is what you should always have tucked under your arm when going in to meet with the hiring manager. Inside should be several copies of your resume, your reference list (along with their contact information) and if it applies to your industry, several pieces of your portfolio. Always assume that there will be more than one person in the room during an interview so carry multiple copies of these papers. The folder prevents them from being wrinkled during transit and keeps things professional.
Pens and Paper- If these items fit in your folder, great! If not, make sure to keep them on hand. Taking simple notes during your interview shows your interest in the position. When you write your follow up thank you card, any details that you wrote down can be included. This helps to jog the memory of the hiring manager. Keep an extra pen on you in case yours runs out of ink!
Identification- Prior to your meeting, confirm the location, who you are meeting with, the floor or office number and the time of your interview. Should you need to speak to arecpetionistor security before your interview, you may be asked to confirm such details. Write all this down on your paper or keep it on your phone.
Questions- Always have something prepared just in case your mind goes blank. During the interview, write down any questions you may think of instead of interrupting the speaker. These questions show not only interest in the position itself, but also in the company. Example questions include:
How does your company measure success?
How does management promote a positive workplace environment?
What’s the most important thing I can accomplish in the first 60 days?
Finding the right position can be a challenge but using the right resources can make it easier. We are one of the top employment agencies in New York and our NYC staffing company brings decades of experience to hiring and posting job opportunities. List a position with us or find your dream job on our website.