At some point during your job search you decided that a job placement agency in NYC was your best option. So after some initial research you made the choice to give A-list Associates a call, and being one of the top staffing agencies in NYC, we placed you in a great position that you are thrilled with. Now you’re starting to stress out as you think about your first day on this exciting new job. Well take a deep breath and relax.

Trust in the fact that with over 20 years experience in the job placement industry we have done all the necessary research to be sure we are matching the best possible candidate with the best possible company. We take the time to make sure the skills, presentation and goals of both our clients and our applicants match up perfectly. Still not enough to convince you to relax? Here are a few tips on how to make a good impression during your first week on the job…

First and foremost: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. While you may think asking questions makes you seem unprepared or ill-suited for the position, the truth is it actually has a very different effect. Asking questions tells people that you are ready and willing to learn and that you are not afraid to do what it takes to be the best at your job. No one person can know everything and nobody expects you to. Even if you have multiple years experience in a similar position, you are brand new to this company and you are not expected to know the ins and outs with zero training.

Having a positive attitude goes a long way. Walking into your new job with an open mind and an upbeat demeanor is the best way to guarantee you’ll make a great first impression. It doesn’t matter if every employment agency in New York would have matched you with this job; if you walk in and start spreading negativity all of your qualifications will go right out the window.

Pay attention and take notes from day one. Write everything down and in your spare time look up or ask about anything you might be unclear on. Keeping very good notes, especially in the first few months on a job, is the best way to never fall behind.

So calm down and go back to being excited about your new job. If you’re still looking for a job why haven’t you called us yet? Our New York staffing agency is ready to find the best job for you! Once you’re placed with the perfect company you can go back and re-read this blog as you get ready for your first day on the job.